

French only for now, sorry !


Durchfürgegen, flowery town is directly inspired by Switzerland, from where my co-author is a native from. The village is a small community that appears tempered, happy and discreet, that lives in self-sufficiency, confined in a funny kind of participative democracy which everybody gets to speak their mind and think they’re doing it for the best of all.
Using this village and the values of the “good Swiss person” in an ironic way – which includes good mood, efficiency, tranquility and discretion – we broach all the universal themes about “leaving together” and we paint a rather absurd portrait of the modern society.

So :

• An orginal and nutty tv show for teens and young adults Une série animée ados – adultes originale et déjantée
• with a strong and striking visual style
• which makes us experience lots of adventures at the center of the village and its nutcases,
• addressed via a comique filter, an absurd and off-the-wall humor, that one can watch in whatever order one pleases…
• and from which we can create a transmedia licence. Isn’t that beautiful ?

The project

I concieved that project with my co-author Fabrice Hagmann, who has written, drawn and imagined the world of Durchfürgegen since he was fifteen, making on his free time and during his scholarship several screenplays for comic books, video games and feature film about this crazy village.
Here, we worked on the structure to adapt this universe to a tv show and he was in charge of the the graphic research.
The project will be filed in CNC for financial aids in writing in 2014.

Contact me if you’d like to know more about it and download the full concept file which includes graphical and writing intentions, the description of each characters, the structure of the episodes, a synopsis, graphic research and transmedia development.